Our Beliefs
The Bible
God's word is inspired and without error.
Every word and thought was God-breathed.
The Godhead
God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are eternal, co-equal, and united.
As the triune Godhead, they are three in one.
The Depravity of Man (Sin)
Mankind is born in sin, and, therefore, under condemnation.
Mankind is hopelessly lost and in need of a Savior.
There is no goodness in man that merits salvation.
Salvation from sin is by the grace of God though faith.
Man must repent and personally trust in the person and work of Jesus Christ.
Future Events
The next event of God's calendar is what is termed "the rapture."
The rapture will be followed by 7 years of Tribulation, which will then be followed by Christ's return to earth.
Jesus Christ will reign in His Millenial Kingdom. After this, believers will enjoy eternity in Heaven while unbelievers will suffer eternally in the Lake of Fire.